Stages of session:

First stage – viewed incarnation with identifying key episodes and their working up, which removes the problems being solved by moving it from the Unconscious to conscious level. Different reaction from key episodes of past lives make it possible to understand, compare and optimally choose the line of behavior in the patient’s modern life. Solving problems of negative episodes being found in the viewed incarnation is carried out in different ways. In one case, it is enough to move information from unconscious to conscious level, in another case, more traumatic, it is necessary to relive negative experience repeatedly to stop the influence of this experience on the modern life.
Many psychosomatic diseases of the body, that trouble the patient before the regression, disappear. The diseases, that appeared in one of the past lives, immediately stop after reliving it, although before that, as a rule, it was uncurbable for a long time.
As experience shows, viewing the moment of conception and prenatal development in human incarnations is especially significant. They are creating a vector of development of a personality during life.
This stage is especially significant, if the conception was accidental or undesirable for parents. Due to reliving the stage of conception, persistence and purposefulness are formed, which manifest in his (her) modern life. The family atmosphere during pregnancy determines the nature of the future perception of the world. If it is negative, it entails various kinds of disorders, that are formed in the fetus and manifest later in a life of the person.
The second stage is the reliving of the moment of death in the viewed incarnation. This is one of the shortest stages of the session, however, it is very important because awareness of the immortality by the Soul happens at this moment. The sensations of the Soul are not interrupted with the death of the body. Thus, the fear of death (thanatophobia) is eliminated for the patient. The understanding appears that any body in any incarnation is necessary as a tool, through which the surrounding world is appreciated.
This stage of the session includes mandatory completion of significant gestalts for the patient both in the viewed and modern life. The completion of gestalts restores the integrity of the Soul and the uniformity of its energies.
The third part of the session is the Soul’s presence in the Afterlife space, which is perceived by everyone who came into it as “Father’s house”, “Source”, “Universe mind”. The Soul returns there after a “business trip” in any body from any part of the Universe. A sense of belonging to Space, awareness of its power and friendly patronage appear. This Space is a Spirit Space and it is filled with love and positive energy. The Soul, being in it, acquires the ability to see the Aura of the body and restores its integrity when it is necessary.
This powerful energy recourse of the Afterlife space can be used by the patient in the future independently without the participation of the specialist at any time.
All the stages of the session form a person’s sense of global harmony, organic interweaving of the Soul into the Cosmic Space of the eternal life and at the same time the ability of a person to live “here and now”.
The moment of death and subsequent Soul’s metamorphoses are present in every session. They are typical in general for all patients. The events happen according to one universal scenario and sensations and emotional reactions in the Afterlife space are similar. Repeating these sensations in every session convinces the objectivity of the observed.
Regression therapy session training “The technique of internal dialog interruption”
School of P.S. Gyngazov “Exploring hidden memory resources” now can be considered as a unique technique in the regression therapy. The theoretical bases is develop, the common space of spreading of working method is formed (Tomsk, Krasnogorsk (MO), Novosibirsk), the educational program including the upgrading of educational structure, and its reports on stages results. Along with it the preparation of student of individual work mostly depends on acquiring of practical skills by them. The face to face training for those who finished already educational courses and for those who is doing the courses now in this paradigm will have to upgrade practically the obtained knowledge and level of specialist proficiency.
Date of training: 23.04.2023
Cost: 10000 ₽
Number of Participants: 10 - 12
1. Demosession (P.S. Gyngazov)
2. Answers on questions on demosession
3. Training with supervision (P.S. Gyngazov, I.I. Kolesnik)
4. Feedback (P.S. Gyngazov, I.I. Kolesnik)
5. Answers on questions on individual work
The main differences between this methodology and other similar practices
In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize a few points which distinguish this methodology from other similar practices. The work in the described paradigm is carried out not at the level of Consciousness but at the level of the Unconscious, which determines the depth of the analyses of a person’s psyche and harmonizing effect on it.
The session conducted without the hypnosis: the patient controls his condition and actions, he can interrupt the session at any time if he wants. The experience gained is analyzed, improved and kept in the Consciousness for decades. The specialist “doesn’t bind” the patient to himself, giving him the opportunity to use the recourse of Space independently and draw the necessary energy from it at any time.
The absence of a preliminary “request” determines the possibility of the person living lives in any physical bodies anywhere in the Universe. Processing scripts of sessions (more than 1500 cases) showed that human incarnations account for 37,9%, and non-human ones – 62,1%. It is necessary to mention that life in the body of animals, birds, plants and etc. is lived much more harmoniously than in the human body. Human incarnations are much harder and emotionally heavier.
Many years of experience in this paradigm gives all the reasons to assert that this methodology has a high psychotherapeutic potential.

I had an appointment with Pavel Sergeevich and I’d like to describe my impression. From the very beginning I was afraid that I wouldn’t like the specialist and as a consequence there wouldn’t be a conection between us and I was afraid of the session itself. Neither of this were confirmed. Pavel Sergeevich is a very nice person and the fear disappeared after the beginning of the session.
I was fully conscious but some pictures immediately began to appear in front of my inner eye. The pictures became more or less distinct. During the session the answers to some therapist’s questions appeared immediately, before I thought about them.
I saw the starry sky and felt that I was standing barefoot on the ground. There I turned out to be a boy, named Misha. It was some time in the middle of the 19th century somewhere in the South of Russia. During the session I lived the main episodes of that life feeling the moment of death. Then I saw 2 more previous incarnations - first, I was a Jewish Maryam somewhere in Palestine and before that I was an Indian dancer, named Davi, at the Temple. The names appeared from nowhere.
The destinies of these people were different, although there was one common feature – dreaminess and craving for travelling. I am this kind of person in this life!
I saw and felt some moments of those lives clearly and some moments were not caught. The moments of death were very clear, I felt them physically. Mariam died of a heart attack – I felt 3 stabs in my heart. Devi died momentarily, just fell like a log. When I was telling that, I had a strong headache and we decided that a blood vessel in my brain had burst. With all that, there was nothing terrible about death itself but, on the contrary, there was a pleasant feeling of freedom and happiness.
It seemed to me that 40 min. had past but, in fact, the session lasted 2 hours. I can say that I find this experience very interesting and useful. Some moments in my life have become clearer to me.

It was the first time when I came across this theme here and as all my channels are always open for experiments I decided to try regression therapy. I was driven by curiosity rather than the possibility of correcting some hidden edges of my psychosomatics.
So, is it easy “to be the past”? Definitely, yes! Pavel Sergeevich, the specialist, turned out to be a person incredibly endearing. Since I was not falling into trans and I controlled events, only answering calm questions of the specialist, I didn’t feel fear during the session.
From the darkness at the beginning of the session I got on the stage almost by force of will – I had a strong desire to pull back the curtains which separated me from the stage, where I saw myself as a leading dancer. Then I walked through the labyrinth of memories and images appeared by themselves. The specialist only guided me through the main moments of the life. I didn’t feel any internal resistance. Everything happened without coerce and tension. There were moments of obsession when it was difficult to go back. That happened at the moment of the death I saw. The soul in the form of a ball flew out like a flash and I regretted seeing the body left behind – a return to the past became impossible.
What can I say about the experiment? I didn’t regret the time I spent, because it has passed unnoticed. Of course, I recognize the similarity with the life of that person. Speaking about the therapeutic effect – it seemed to me that the pain in the muscles in the left arm for several months vanished. It is probably connected with the session. The experience is positive and I am satisfied with the experiment.

My regression therapy session included key events from the life of a medieval city guard, his death and postlife memories and being in self-aware space in the period between incarnation.
Before the session I didn’t have any special expectations or expressed wishes to use the new information in any way. Endeed, there was a cognitive interest whether I would be able to deepen into the right state of consciousness, whether I would see at least something, how I would receive information and so on.
However, the perceived information spread very far beyond just interesting information and, surely, changed many of my views and approaches, allowing me to take a step towards the development of my own personality and ideas about the Universe.
The perceived life on the session was taken simultaneously from the point of view of the person living it and from the point of view of an outside viewer.
On the one hand, there was a complete inclusion in current events, experiences accompanied by a full range of perception and reactions including physical sensations of the body, visual and hearing images. The emotions, experience also evoked appropriate responses, for example, tears or laughter.
On the other hand, at any time there was also an outside viewer free from emotions and experiences, who could generalize the information received, compare, analyze and make conclusions.
Pavel Sergeevich’s participation helped me to move through the events. The experience gained as a result of this session is very important for me. It is valuable, because it is not a film, not a book and not some kind of abstract thinking, that is not correlated with real life. It is a living experience similar to experiences from my real life. That is why, this experience was perceived extremely acutely and inevitably led to a lot of real positive changes in my life.
Memories of post life experience are also of absolute practical importance. Being essentially a transcendental experience, such states confirm a lot in the worldview and philosophy of my life. In my subjective opinion, they are changing it for the better.

I had a trauma related to the absence of my father. In real life my parents are divorced. During the session in my past life I saw that my father went to war. In both cases, as Pavel Sergeevich noted rightly, my mother blamed my father for all the problems.
This problem has been troubling me all my life. I tried to solve it in different ways, but nothing could help me. Only thanks to regression session my problem was solved. A real feeling of my father helped me: his clothes, his smell, his beard. I saw how he was playing with me and throwing me up in the air. And I suddenly realized that my father was not a traitor.
Actually, I experienced this moment much more deeply during the session than I am telling about it now. It was a real problem which interfered in my life and couldn’t be solved with the help of other ways.

from 12 to 18 September / Moscow
September 17 - 18 — Education. Author's technique